Tender Box

From the imagination of Chase Shivers

Series Launched: February 2, 2014
Latest Chapter Added: September 15, 2015
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Series Summary:
Primary Story Codes: ff fsolo fff ffff f1st masturbation oral rom

Tender Box is a series that centers around the blossoming relationship between fifteen-year old Channa and her close, long-time friend, the fourteen-year old Urma. They explore a growing understanding of their bodies, of their sexual arousal, and of their feelings for each other.

Chapter List:

Comments on Tender Box:

Author Date Comment Chase's Response
Anngun 27 March 2017 She's so clean, never any urine, never very strong, just... just Urma... More of Urma, period...the fourteen-year old cleaning away the day's discharge Is there more to com . I am longing... Hi Anngun! I do have some future scenes in mind for Channa and Urma, I've just had trouble at times getting back into this story with so many others trying to win my time. I hope to get at least a couple of chapters up in the near future. Thanks for your patience!
Anonymous 15 June 2016 Please continue this series when you have a chance. I am currently reading your additions to Shipwrecked and love that series. Tender Box was my introduction to your incredible stories and continues to hold a special place in my heart. Thank You. Thank you so much, Anon! I have been itching to pick this series back up soon, so hopefully this summer I can add to the tale. Thanks again!
Anonymous 10 January 2015 loved the whole storey line thankyou. waiting for the next episode !!!!!! Many thanks!
Anonymous 2 November 2014 Chase, hello this is my first time giving an author feedback. You are an amazing author, your way with words is impeccable, and the scenery that you create sometimes almost feels like I'm one of your characters! It's tough for me to say this but this is by far my favorite series of yours aside from flower petals. Please, please, please you have to write more chapters for this series! There are so many possibilities for these two characters and so many scenarios which unless something strikes my mind I'll leave up to you. Thank you for writing such great stories I hope you find the time to write some more chapters (especially for this series)

Sincerely, An avid fan
Thank you! :) I will return to this series, there are some really great moments in the lives of Channa and Urma which I want to describe. Not sure when, but hopefully soon.
Nikki 2014 August 5 Chase! My god man.. you have a real talent for helping strangers get off! I love all your stories and am grateful that you write them. My only issue with this chapter was the principles reaction. It just seemed too..I dunno if "fake" is the right word but maybe unrealistic? Letting Chan off for the day, and pulling Urma out just for a note taped on a locker? Seemed a bit far fetched to me. Sorry for the critique, just what was on my mind after reading. Keep it up though! Love love love the stories! Thank you, Nikki! It is my pleasure helping strangers get off :) I acknowledge it was a stretch, but sometimes, that's the sacrifice to get the rest of the story out there and not bog it down too much in 'reality.' Thanks for reading!
Darla 13 June 2014 Thanks for the Tender Box. I'm so glad you've brought Mina back. Please write again sooner. Thanks, Darla! I have a couple more chapters in mind, haven't written them yet.
Anonymous 2014 May 20 Please keep writing more of this series, I love it, I agree in a way that it was a bit of a shock going from such a private couple to a 4some with other girls but it was not a bad thing. I just ask one thing of you if possible, dont turn them bi. Its nice to have a story thats as sweet and sexy as this one with no men in it, (I dont mean that as any sort of slam on men) but Its nice to be able to just open a new chapter and know it will be about sexual awakenings and escapades of two Lesbian girls and not have to fear it will change drastically from that. Thanks for all you do! Thanks for the comments! I expect that this series is going to stay lesbian only. I hate to rule out what the characters may 'choose to do on their own,' but the plan is to keep this focused on female characters with no males. I hope to get new chapters up in the next couple of weeks.
Darla 2014 March 12 Sorry, but I feel I need to express what I've been bothered with. As you know I've loved this series, but with Chs. 9 & 10 I think you've deviated too much from the characters of Urma & Channa, particularly, Urma. She was portrayed as reticent even with Channa and to have her and even Channa so quickly deeply involved with the other girls seemed so out of character. I just wish their lesbian seduction by others had been more drawn out, perhaps with Mina. Anyway, I do love your writing, and realize you can't please everyone. Darla Thanks for the feedback, Darla! I definitely understand your point and considered that while writing the scenes. I wanted Urma to break out strongly from her initial reservations, her arousal in the moment taking her from reluctant to almost-eager participant. I wanted it to come across that her slow on-ramp to her first time led her to want to try more thing and have new experiences. Sorry you didn't like this part of her character development.

My wife loves this series and really wanted these scenes to happen, so that was an influence on Chapter 9 and 10 as well.
Anonymous 2014 February 25 Just wanted to let you know that I'm enjoying the story, but there are a couple of things:

One or two chapters back (chapter 7 or 8?) you called Channa "Megan." I'm guessing it's an old character name that never got changed?

Also, I was pulled out of the story a bit in this chapter when you mentioned that Maria had come to the US; up to that point (and I must say it was just a general feeling for how the story sounded) I thought the whole thing was taking place in Britain.

I guess the setting thing is minor since it's primarily a stroke story, but it bugged me because I'm reading it for the story rather than the sex. I really want to know what happens to the characters. In that context, thinking that the story was taking place in England but then being told that it was the US was a bit of a shock.
Re: Megan: fixed, thanks, it was in chapter 2, a hold over from the original series typo.

Re: Britain/England: Umm, don't know what to say. The characters celebrate Thanksgiving in the opening paragraph of chapter 1, I'm pretty sure that's not an English holiday. You're right that setting is a minor thing in the story, but I certainly never considered anything about the series to be anything other than US. Sorry this has caused you shock. Again, I thought Thanksgiving made it pretty clear, but I know that was only mentioned in chapters 1 and 2.
The Kinky Goddess 2014 February 24 Please don't stop this story line anytime soon! This is such a sweet and hot couple, that I get moist every time that I see there is a new chapter for me to read! I love the tease and draw out of Channa finally taking Urma's cherry. Thank you for such an amazing story. :) My pleasure! Definitely more chapters on the way for Channa and Urma.
Anonymous 2014 February 22 That was the best description of lovemaking Ive ever read. both the detail and the gentle, loving way it was described. I could see and feel every detail in my mind, I so wanted to be one of the characters as I read the chapter. I remember my first experience sexually at 14 and it was also with another girl, but it was clumsy and unsure. If we had this story first it could have been so much better for us than it was. Thank you for your incredible talent and for sharing it with us! My pleasure! I am so glad you enjoy the series. I love the characters and wish everyone could have had first times or early experiences that were loving and enjoyable like Channa and Urma have.
Anonymous 2014 February 21 Hello, I was just wondering if you were going to make another chapter (or two or three or) LOL I'm addicted to this story! Thank you so much! I just put up chapter 8, hope you enjoy!
Darla 2014 February 21 Ohhh, God ! I just finished Chs. 6&7 and they about finished me (for the night). Your writing is so delicious and erotic. It's hard to believe you're not another girl. You tell their story and feelings so well. I'm almost with them. (I wish !) The introduction of Mina is ... intriguing, and also making me wet. Please do 8,9,10,... soon. Wow, thank you so much Darla! As a male, I often wonder how well my female characters come across to other females.

Even harder is being a straight male writing about gay females. Lesbians are such an easy 'fantasy' for straight males, but I'm never sure if I'm pulling it off for women who are actually gay or bi. My wife (who is very bi) thinks this is her favorite series and really loves it, so I hope I'm doing ok for a guy :)
Anonymous 2014 February 18 This is a truly lovely story, I mean nothing but compliments when I say I marvel at the fact you are male, as you have a wonderful grasp of the female mind. Please keep up the beautiful work. Thank you so much! I definitely take that as a very nice compliment!
Anonymous 2014 February 14 I just want to give you the positive feed back you deserve, what a truly wonderful story, I wish all love could be just like that. Your an amazing and talented writer! Thank you! Happy Valentine's Day!
The Goddess 2014 February 11 This is by far my favorite series. I love the sweet loss of innocence, and first loves. Please keep it up. I shiver too and wish I had had such a wonderfully sweet first time with another girl, like Channa and Urma. Thanks, Goddess! I really love the characters of Channa and Urma, they are a lot of fun to write about. More coming in the next few days!
Darla 2014 February 10 OMG ! Your story the "Tender Box" is just incredible - so well-written. You made me feel like Channa. I would so love to have had experiences like her - beautiful !

I'm so tickled to find there is a Ch. 6 cumming - oops ! that's been me ! Thank you for the pleasures. So looking forward to more now.

XXXs Darla
:-D Thank you, Darla! I really love the character of Channa, and who wouldn't love to have an Urma at some point, someone who can tease you just enough, let you get just a bit closer each time until you finally taste her and make her cum.

More scenes coming up soon, it's my wife's favorite series, so she's eager to read more.
Tom 2014 February 3 The insight that you show into the mind of these young people is uncanny. Even the nature of their conversation is dead on... Another great storyline from your prolific pen! Thanks, Tom! All made up, so I have no idea how realistic it is. Hopefully it is real enough to enjoy.